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Welcome to the Desuperiorization and Superaltern Studies Blog!

After the first Conference on the "Desuperiorization of Philosophy and the Foundation of Superaltern Studies" has ended successfully, I want to keep up our conversation.

I will post here updates on the development of the follow-up conferences - one with a main focus on speciesism and another one with the focus on sexism - and I want to share further ideas on the projects of Desuperiorization and Superaltern Studies.

Of course, you are all wholeheartedly invited to add your thoughts, experiences, ideas and comments to this blog! Please let me know if and what you would to contribute and I can give you access as a blog writer (after you have signed up as a member this site)!

I would be excited to learn about your scholarly and your personal stories and comments on the superiorism of (western) philosophy! Where did you experience it? Was there a specific event or an interaction that made the superiorism visible to you? Do you suffer from it? Have you experienced someone else suffering from it? How do you approach superiorism in your teaching, your curriculum, with your colleagues? How do you desuperiorize? What personal consequences has superiorism on you? Where else (than academic) philosophy do you find it? What do you think needs to be done to make a change? These are, of course, just examples, please share with me your questions so that we may discuss them together - in this forum, in smaller groups, or privately!

Please also feel free to sign up to the GoogleGroup:

I am looking forward to our work!

All the best,

Bjoern Freter

150 views2 comments


Sep 02, 2021

Conference was superb. I was first exposed to decolonization last year and I'm currently working on curriculum deco as my Master's thesis in Sociology. It's great to also learn about associated terms like desuperiorization. I'd actually like to learn the difference and links between the two terms and what they hope to achieve as epistemological practical concepts

Björn Freter
Björn Freter
Sep 03, 2021
Replying to

Thank you very much for your kind message! I am looking forward to our ongoing conversation! Please let me know, if you would like to read a bit more about the desuperiorization concept, I am happy to send you some texts! Let me know: All the best! Bjoern

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